Home Stay
Live in the safest city in the country!
Irvine is ranked again for being the safest city in the U.S. FOA host families live in the Orange County area follow the same direction when it comes to safety.
The city of Irvine is our main city where our Study Center is located along with most Host families we work with.
Homestay families provide the comfort and safety of a family while providing room and board for the student. All families will incorporate them within their family life, and take them to family or friend gatherings
Students will have the chance to learn English through genuine interactions and conversations by staying with families who live in the Orange County and Los Angeles Country area.
Each family is visited and interviewed before approval.
Host families provide two meals a day, a comfortable clean bed, transportation to our facility for ESL, warm family interaction, and much, much more.
International students will live with an American family during their adventure.
Each host family provides the student an immersive, diverse, and rich experience of living with an American family. FOA students will share their own culture to the host family. Both student and family will have many opportunities to learn and express their stories and experiences about their respective families, friends, interests, and culture.
Many of our host families have continued long term relationships with our students over the years, and have even visited our FOA students in their home country.

Students will have the chance to learn English through genuine interactions and conversations by staying with families who live in the Orange County and Los Angeles Country area.
Each host family provides the comfort and safety of a family while providing room and board for the student. All families will incorporate them within their family life, and take them to family or friend gatherings.
Students will have the chance to learn English through genuine interactions and conversations by staying with families who live in the Orange County and Los Angeles Country area.
Each family is visited before approval. Host families provide two or three meals a day, a comfortable clean bed, help with transportation, family interaction, and much more.

Host Families
Let your family enjoy the opportunity of hosting an international student for a short term. Experience a new culture without getting on a plane, and let international culture visit your own home. If your family has interested in learning about becoming a host family for FOA this is a wonderful opportunity to expand/enhance your cultural awareness.
Homestay families provide the comfort and safety of a family while providing room and board for the student. All families will incorporate them within their family lifestyle, and take them to family or friend gatherings when opportunities are available.
Students will have the chance to learn English through genuine interactions and conversations by staying with host families who live in Orange County
Each family is visited before approval by one of FOA staff Homestay Coordinators. Host families provide two meals a day, a comfortable clean bed, transportation to our facility for ESL, warm family interaction, and much, much more. FOA will provide a Homestay stipend to provide for some of the cost of your student(s) accommodations and food. The Homestay stipend is based on the student's duration of the visit with the host family.

To find out which groups are available for hosting please click below: Group 1: 12/22-12/29 (7 Nights) Ages from 14-17 $280 each student/$560 total double placement (2 students total) $15 X-Mas Gift for each student Group 2: 12/23-12/28 (5 Nights) Ages from 14-17 $200 each student/$400 total double placement (2 students total) $15 X-Mas Gift for each student Group 3: 12/27-1/4 (8 Nights) Ages from 14-17 $320 each student/$640 total double placement (2 students total) Group 4: 12/27-1/4 (8 Nights) Ages from 14-17 $320 each student/$640 total double placement (2 students total
Host Family Responsibilities
Host families are responsible for taking care of their students as if they were part of their family. Below is a list of the host family responsibilities:
Host families are responsible for taking care of their students as if they were part of their family. Below is a list of the host family responsibilities:
Providing the student with a safe and friendly home in which to stay in.
Providing a private bedroom with the basic furnishings (bed, desk, lamp, dresser/closet, linens).
Giving students an orientation around the home and the local area.
Provide two-meals weekdays; breakfast and dinner, and includes lunch on weekends and holidays.
For dinner time, it is better to prepare meals at home. If you go out, student’s are not responsible to pay for their meal. If you choose to take students out to eat, please keep meals within your budget and not have students pay for it.
Please provide lunch in addition to breakfast and dinner on weekends and holidays. If you take the students out please either prepare lunch at home or take the students out to an affordable meal.
Provide student pickup and drop off transportation to FOA (ESL) class location. Carpool can be arranged if needed. Ask for assistance if needed.
Spending time in the evenings with the students—speaking English and checking in with them to make sure they are happy. Please do not leave student alone for long periods of time. Students under the age of 14 are NEVER allowed to be alone. An adult, 18 years or older, needs to be present with them.,
Spending a minimum of a half-day with them during weekends (taking them out on activities or sightseeing whenever possible, invite them with family & friend activities within reason, etc.).
Please also note that there will be at least ONE chaperone, who is the legal guardian, for each student in a group . Chaperones will be in charge of any medical emergency if an emergency were to occur, and they must be present with the student at a hospital or doctors office for approval of any medical procedure.
Communication is the key element for hosting a international students, and sometimes this can be challenging do to the language barrier. Our FOA members fully understand this, and are there to assist families, students, and chaperones to continue a good experience of communication. Host families can always contact one of our FOA members to assist them in communicating with their students if it becomes challenging in any way. Most importantly is to smile, and use google translate as a quick solution.
Homestay Fee:
Students expenses will be covered by FOA. We provide a small stipend per day for each student during the duration of their stay with their host family. Depending on how long the students will stay will determine the total amount of the Homestay Fee.
Provide access to the family’s laundry. Families may not charge students for laundry. Provide internet access (wireless if possible).